5th April 2016
Late and Accidental Easter special
It gets very existential and sometimes accidentally and seemingly militant. It’s not, I just jabba and well, it really just fell together that way. Freestyles can bring out the…stuff. Freestyles can be a window to a person’s soul.
As I mention in the show, SABOTAGE now has a FB page (there’s not much to see yet, but follow!):
So after the show I did some research on the whole dog-shitting-on-a-tree thing…
(Nope, you wanna know what I’m talking about, listen to the podcast!):
This is my rat, Dexter, on his first day with his new mums.
He made me cry that day, on account of him peeing everywhere because he was marking his répères in a new space. I miss him, we had to put him down over a year ago.
Pay carfeul attention to how the man who asked the question reacts as my man Stephen Fry answers:
Q: Imagine you’re wrong, God exists. You die, go to the pearly gates and meet God. What do you say?
A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-suvkwNYSQo
Also it’s been a while since you watched the Matrix, put it on your to-do list.