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SABOTAGE #24 – The Paperclip

Thanks to everyone who helped, however you helped.

15th March 2016
We get a little bit excited about tortoises… completely unashamed of course.

Cette émission et moïté français, half English. Pourquoi? Ecoutez ze beginning. I try teach me to be good au micro Make no disgusting noises (I fail.). Haha. It involves a paperclip / une trombone. And I don’t talk like that

My fav song of the show was used in a film that you can get on VHS cassette if you want. Dunno if it’s any good, I haven’t seen it:

Modern day dinosaur talk (tortoises, very informative, I recommend you educate yourselves by listening) mosied over to real dinosaurs, check out the Machimosaurus rex:

Scary motherfucker.

Google the documentary « A Band Called DEATH »

We also complained about the water with a gout de boue, but Angers has since fixed that problem. Here’s the photo anyway:

Playlist :

Sublime > Alpha Maid /

Deadweight > Jake and the Jellyfish
Deadweight (2015) /

Have A Heart > Detective Novel
Detective Novel (2014) /

Flesh of the Fresh, Blood of the Dove > The Holy Mess
Trash Age (released April 1st) /

Solitude > Criminal Code
(Upcoming 7inch vinyl on Forward Records)

Het Petrol Bastard > Petrol Bastard
The Very Worst Of Petrol Bastard (2016)

Oh Please Be A Cocky Cool Kid > Shitkid
(debut single, 2016) /

White Ego > Muuy Biien /

No Security (Live recording) > Chaos UK
Live at Manchester /

The Distant Soul > Patrick van Zandwijk
(untitled album to be released in 2016) /

Politicians In My Eyes > DEATH
(1976) /

Who > Minority Threat
Culture Control (2015) /

I Will Deny > Donots
¡CARAJO! (2016) /

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